, 1 min read

WordPress Market Share 2011

Original post is here eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2013/06-21-wordpress-market-share-2011.

I read a short note in Heise, that in 2011 WordPress was one of the most popular CMS. The report compared

  1. Alfresco WCM
  2. CMSMadeSimple
  3. Concrete5
  4. DotNetNuke
  5. Drupal
  6. e107
  7. eZ Publish
  8. Joomla!
  9. Liferay
  10. MODx
  11. Movable Type
  12. OpenCms
  13. Plone
  14. SilverStripe
  15. Textpattern
  16. Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
  17. Typo3
  18. Umbraco
  19. WordPress
  20. Xoops

The corresponding document can be found in Water & Stone report. This report analyzes

  2. Installations
  3. Developer Support
  4. Books in Print
  5. Search Engine Visibility
  6. Google Page Rank
  7. Reputation

Unfortunately, there seems to be no more recent report on this at Water & Stone.