, 2 min read

Index for Year 2022

Original post is here eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2022.

  1. 2022-01-04: HashOver Comment System with Hiawatha
  2. 2022-01-11: Statistics of this Blog in 2021
  3. 2022-01-17: Generate RSS from HTML
  4. 2022-01-23: IMS/DC MFS To PHP
  5. 2022-02-07: Mass Lowercasing of File Names
  6. 2022-02-25: Ein Static Site Generator in PHP, schneller als Hugo oder Zola
  7. 2022-03-06: ReverseProxy and UrlToolkit in Hiawatha
  8. 2022-03-20: Testing COBOLworx gcc-cobol
  9. 2022-03-21: PHPMagazin On Simplified Saaze
  10. 2022-03-26: Accelerating Page Load Times by Reducing Requests, Part #2
  11. 2022-04-05: Adding Categories to Saaze
  12. 2022-04-09: Table of Contents in Saaze
  13. 2022-04-22: Galleries in Saaze
  14. 2022-04-23: Mindmaps in Saaze
  15. 2022-04-26: Various Quotes from Kristian Köhntopp
  16. 2022-05-02: Copy Arch Linux to SSD
  17. 2022-05-03: Upgrade AMD Bulldozer to Cezanne
  18. 2022-05-06: Multi Tenancy MS-Teams
  19. 2022-05-08: Lufthansa Air Tracker
  20. 2022-05-26: Upgrading OnePlus Five to Oppo Reno4
  21. 2022-06-14: eklausmeier.goip.de down
  22. 2022-06-15: Decompressing ZIP Files on Mainframe
  23. 2022-06-16: Breaking Vodafone Router
  24. 2022-06-27: Example Theme for Simplified Saaze: J-Pilot
  25. 2022-07-09: Example Theme for Simplified Saaze: Koehntopp
  26. 2022-07-11: Josep Stuhli On Scaling to 20 Million Users
  27. 2022-07-30: npm error: must provide string spec
  28. 2022-07-31: Hosting Static Content with Cloudflare
  29. 2022-08-04: Simplified Saaze now part of Jamstack listing
  30. 2022-08-06: Nima Badizadegan on Cloud Computing
  31. 2022-08-07: Twitter: Infinite Loop on Logout
  32. 2022-08-08: Exploring Cloudflare Workers
  33. 2022-08-22: Analysis of Website Performance
  34. 2022-09-05: Example Theme for Simplified Saaze: nukeKlaus
  35. 2022-09-11: Electricity Measurement with Shelly 3EM
  36. 2022-09-18: Statistics of this Blog: Crossed 120.000 Views
  37. 2022-10-09: Renumbering J-Pilot SQLite Data
  38. 2022-11-06: Crashing J-Pilot
  39. 2022-11-12: Line Length Distribution in Files
  40. 2022-11-13: Fixed Block Files
  41. 2022-11-19: Introduction to Hashing
  42. 2022-12-04: SQLite Storage for J-Pilot
  43. 2022-12-10: Updating AUR Package
  44. 2022-12-11: Twitter Boom
  45. 2022-12-27: Analysis of Website Performance #2